multifunctional project

We have created administrative spaces of high quality in which various international companies have their headquarters as for instance Accenture, SAP or UniCredit bank. We chose the main attributes of the project to be most of all purpose and pure lines.


It was designed to offer employees the most effective environment for their work and simultaneously provide them with sufficient occasions for relaxation. On the ground floor one can make use of a bank subsidiary, restaurants, snackbar, grocery shop and other smaller premises.

effective space

Business Center V
Business Center V
Bratislava Business Center V
  • Type: office building
  • Location: Plynárenská Street, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Built-up area: 68,600 m2
  • Beginning of construction: 2000
  • Completion of construction: 2004
  • Architectural design: Ateliér Ivan Kubík